Consciousness VS Computer

Consciousness VS Computer

SIMILARTIES OF CONSCIOUSNESS & COMPUTER For any computer specialist or even perhaps computer enthusiasts now-a-days, the similarities between our human experience and a computer simulated program are strikingly alike. From our own anatomy to how we perceive our reality, humans and computers were seemingly destined for coexistence. The mind created the computer. Remember that. COMPARING […]

The Higher 4 Densities

WHAT ARE THE HIGHER DENSITIES? As we continue our exploration into densities (check out the first 3 densities here), let us take a brief look into the higher densities that humanity is challenged with entering at the current time. FOURTH DENSITY – THE “DENSITY OF LOVE & COMPASSION” The Fourth Density is comprised mainly of […]

The First 3 Densities

What is a Density?  Vibrations are measured by densities. Believe it or not, we are simply vibrations of consciousness! The First Density, Second Density, and Third Density all manifest in the physical realm. Let’s take a brief look into each to begin. First Density – the “Density of Being” First Density of physical vibration is […]

The Great Conjunction

What is The Great Conjunction? In physical terms the Great Conjunction refers to the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn nearly overlapping as seen from Earth (they will still actually be 400 million miles apart!). To the naked eye looking in the night sky, the two planets coming together would appear to be one very large, […]