
The Letter “A”

Understanding the Letter A The letter A is the 1st letter of the English alphabet, thus translates to 1. A = 1. In Pythagorean reduction, the letter A would be categorized as one of the “1” letters, along with J (10th letter: 1 + 0 = 1) and S (19th letter: 1 + 9 = […]

Why is ‘G’ in the word light?

English is quite an interesting language. It becomes even more interesting when one starts tapping into the deeper meanings of each letter, glyph, and the corresponding number. As many children begin spelling words, the English language does NOT make it an easy task. We simply have questions that seemingly have no logical answer (at least […]

The Letter “Y”

Understanding the Letter Y The letter Y is the 25th letter in the English alphabet. In Pythagorean reduction, the Y would be categorized as one of the “7” letters (Y is 25th letter: 2+5=7), along with G (7th letter) and P (16th letter: 1+6 =7), seen here on dcode.fr. In numerology, the number 7 represents […]